The Federal Prosecution Service Deskbook

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This deskbook was prepared by the Federal Prosecution Service, Department of Justice Canada.

This deskbook deals with matters of prosecution policy, and does not have the status of law. It does not in any way override the Criminal Code or any applicable federal legislation. It is not intended to provide legal advice to members of the public, nor does it replace the specialized advice of lawyers or other experts. It is not intended to create any rights enforceable at law in any legal proceeding. The purpose and effect of the Deskbook has been discussed by Kealey J. in R. v. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, [2000] O.J. No. 1580 (Q.L.) (Ont. S.C.J.) at par. 18:

[The Deskbook] is established by the minister for administrative reasons and provides directives to guide agents, define in-house management rules and provide for the orderly execution of the Attorney General's functions ... I am not persuaded the [Deskbook] had, or was intended to have, legal implications.

The material in this deskbook may be used without seeking permission, provided it is accurately reproduced and includes an acknowledgement of the Federal Prosecution Service — Department of Justice Canada as its source. Reproduction of the deskbook material is permitted, in whole or in part, by any means. The Federal Prosecution Service — Department of Justice Canada does not take responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of reproduced material.

Également disponible en français.

This deskbook is a project of the Federal Prosecution Service, published under authority of the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General of Canada by the Federal Prosecution Service.

© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2000, as represented by the Minister of Justice.

Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data

Main entry under title: The Federal Prosecution Service Deskbook

Also issued in French under title: Guide du Service fédéral des poursuites

ISBN 0-662-29437-8

Cat. no. J2-172/2000E


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